A 100% Benefit Album for Cystic Fibrosis

My soul is nurtured by chants from all cultures. I have been a lover of singing and world music since I was a small child. My most potent spiritual experiences include vocalization combined with some form of praying. I believe that vocalization together with intention and vision equal manifestation. That equation was something I recall reading as a young girl and it has always rang true in my heart. Studying Western Classical Voice at Ithaca College and Hindustani music in Pune, India, I was afforded the chance to truly sing from my heart. My teachers in both places focused on truth, purity, and connection to spirit. Both during and since I have studied with these teachers I have gathered a harvest of songs in my basket. These songs are from varying places on the map; from India to Greece, and Africa to Middle America. 

Being a body worker by trade, I am blessed with the chance to connect with many wonderful people and to share graceful time bathed in breath, and healing. I find that the space created in the massage room is as much of a meditative and restful place for me as it is for the person on the table: That of which I am so grateful for. I am always floored by the simple truth that magic can happen in a space between one or more people connecting. Oftentimes, the time I spend with clients ends up being a vision session, in which, stories, songs, messages, etc. come through and enter my being.  

Once such experience was the birth of Chants for a Cure ; a musical album consisting of chants that center around breath, light and devotion to love. Every single penny that was earned by its sale was donated to organizations dedicated to supporting families and people living with Cystic Fibrosis. This EP is in honor of someone very special to my family-Aurora. 

Allow me to back up a few years and let you in on this powerful friendship that found me. Aurora is now close to her teenage years but when we met, she was in utero.  I found a special friendship with her beautiful mother, while we were both doing massage at a local spa.  Since we were working mothers, we thought it would be great to have our children cared for by one another. So, we “baby swapped” and I took her daughter some days and she took my son Jonah on other days. It ended up being a friendship garden for all of us because our children had the chance of spending their early lives playing together and loving one another.  I fell in love with Aurora.  She is a kindred spirit with a giggle that could melt an army. Her zest for life is vast and her strength is insurmountable. This is also the time I learned about Cystic Fibrosis. Shortly after Aurora was born, her parents found out that their daughter has this disease. It is an inherited disease that affects the lungs and digestive system. A defective gene and its protein product cause the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus that can clog the lungs and obstruct the pancreas.  This disease is not “popular” amongst the masses and many people have no idea about what it does with the body that it is in. This lack of awareness is also a problem when it comes to funding. The Foundations that perform research and search for cures are constantly hungry for funding to continue their work towards the cure.  Aurora is the inspiration behind this project and the face of it.  

I feel honored to have had the chance and the vision to produce this project and I couldn’t have done it without Aurora’s presence in my life and the incredible people that supported me. Every SINGLE person involved with this album donated their time and talent for three years. It has been nothing short of a miracle and I tear up even typing this.  I will share with you one short story about how I found my co-producer and sound engineer, Dan Millrood. 

I was waiting in a parking lot while my son was asleep in his car seat when my cell phone rang.  A man I had met for only two minutes a year ago was on the line. He said that he read my article in the paper calling for talent to help with CF benefit album and he was “on board”.  He spoke about his previous work with CF children and his devotion to the cause. It just so happens that in addition to being a Physical Therapist (of which I knew him as), he also was a sound engineer with a lot of experience and has friend who owns a recording studio close by (www.artfarmrecording.com). Of course my heart burst open with gratitude and I couldn’t really talk on account of my emotion. I hung up with phone just as my son was waking up. I started driving out of the parking lot and was stalled by a red light. As I was wiping my eyes of my tears, I read the license plate that happened to be directly in front of me… “AURORA” was what it said.  I was completely confident that from that moment on, this project was blessed.  It truly has been and will continue to be.  We are sharing it with all of you and that will contribute to the continuing research towards the cure. I am sure of it.  It was born of spirit and love and will manifest that many times over. We pray that you will be touched deeply by the music and by our intentions. We pray for our Aurora and her amazing family and all of the people living with CF along with the ones that are no longer with us.   

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